Feeling and looking good in your wheelchair or orthosis

MOS makes fashion that is tailored to the sitting posture. That's why our collections consist of fashionable clothing for people with physical disabilities. We strive to strengthen your self-reliance and self-confidence. That is why at MOS we take into account comfort, freedom of movement and the ease of putting on and taking off the clothing. We value style as much as practicality. That's why we want to incorporate the alterations as invisibly as possible into every garment. As a result, you can wear MOS clothing with flair and make your life more pleasant.

The Story Behind MOS

I, Alicia de Groot, brought the MOS brand to life in 2016. At fashion school, I laid the technical foundation for my work for many years. After completing this course, I took the step to the Amsterdam Fashion Institute (AMFI), where I further developed my technical skills and own style..

As a graduation project, I chose fashion for the sedentary. This type of clothing is in line with my love for the technical side of fashion. Making clothes for people in wheelchairs is pre-eminently a technical process: a perfect fit is of the utmost importance.

During my graduation (2014), there were about 250,000 people in the Netherlands who were dependent on wheelch​airs. The size of the group was so amazing to me. I soon found out that there is little fashion on offer for this target group, especially for young people. One plus one equals two.

After graduating, I wanted to continue in this field. At the beginning of 2016 I founded the MOS brand. It is my conviction that there should also be stylish clothing for the seated person. Fashion for rollers – that's the philosophy behind MOS.



​​"The name MOS comes from the green plant of the same name. MOS grows in nature as a soft extra layer on trees and rocks. This makes it a symbol of what MOS wants to offer sedentary people: clothing that feels like a second skin."

Team MOS

Our company is all about creating wheelchair clothing that is not only functional, but also stylish and comfortable. And we can only do that thanks to our amazing team! Together, they form the heart and soul of our company, each with their own unique qualities that contribute to our common goal: designing wheelchair clothing that makes a real difference.

MOS as a training company

Within the MOS workshop, we make all products ourselves from start to finish. This makes MOS the perfect place for interns, which is why we have been a recognized training company since 2018.

We think it's important to have interns. Not only because we like to support the practical training of the students, but also to stay fresh ourselves. An intern brings new ideas and insights about the company and its products every time.

If you are looking for an internship address, please feel free to contact us!